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OMT 07-16-2008 03:43 PM

NCAA Football 09 Patch Announcement
We have identified and fixed the bug causing the game to crash when editing rosters. This bug also causes teams to disappear and team ratings to change.

The patch is being tested tonight, and assuming all goes well it will be submitted tomorrow for certification. The expected release is in 5-10 days.

Until the patch, we recommend you cease editing rosters. Rosters that have been corrupted by the bug will not work after the patch. If you have a roster in progress and have not encountered any freezes or missing teams, it will work after the patch. There is a possibility a roster can be corrupt and not have surfaced any problems yet. This is why we recommend that you stop or back up your work among multiple save files.

We are also fixing the bug where the depth chart gets reordered after editing a player with this patch. :woot:

These are the ONLY fixes in this patch. We are planning on a 2nd patch with many fixes, but we had to get this one out the door.

We appreciate everyone's patience on this matter.

Special thanks to CDJ, 21SEC, and Fairdale Kings for helping us track this down.

BMEDAggie11 07-16-2008 03:45 PM

Re: Patch Announcement
This announcement gives me a happy pants feeling :woot:

SlyBelle 07-16-2008 03:46 PM

Re: Patch Announcement

Originally Posted by OMT (Post 2038508238)
We have identified and fixed the bug causing the game to crash when editing rosters. This bug also causes teams to disappear and team ratings to change.

The patch is being tested tonight, and assuming all goes well it will be submitted tomorrow for certification. The expected release is in 5-10 days.

Until the patch, we recommend you cease editing rosters. Rosters that have been corrupted by the bug will not work after the patch. If you have a roster in progress and have not encountered any freezes or missing teams, it will work after the patch. There is a possibility a roster can be corrupt and not have surfaced any problems yet. This is why we recommend that you stop or back up your work among multiple save files.

We are also fixing the bug where the depth chart gets reordered after editing a player with this patch. :woot:

These are the ONLY fixes in this patch. We are planning on a 2nd patch with many fixes, but we had to get this one out the door.

We appreciate everyone's patience on this matter.

Special thanks to CDJ, 21SEC, and Fairdale Kings for helping us track this down.

Great news! Especially about the second patch with additional fixes.

Pared 07-16-2008 03:47 PM

Re: Patch Announcement
Great news! I'll deal with the gameplay issues until a second patch is ready and well-tested as long as the rosters are no longer an issue!

doctorhay53 07-16-2008 03:49 PM

Re: Patch Announcement
Thanks for the update OMT. And thanks for the very quick work on the issue.

GoVols1985 07-16-2008 03:49 PM

Re: Patch Announcement
Hell yeah! Who says EA don't give a **** about the little man! Great news dude! :whitsmile

RAZRr1275 07-16-2008 03:50 PM

Re: Patch Announcement
Awesome. Can't wait until the patch is out.:woot::woot::woot:

bad_philanthropy 07-16-2008 03:51 PM

Re: Patch Announcement
Thanks Adam and the rest of the team, we appreciate the quick response. And bonus with the depth chart bug.

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