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RaychelSnr 08-13-2008 12:02 PM

Getting Hit by the Madden Hype Machine
Did you get hit unintentionally by the Madden hype machine this year? Our very own Caley Roark looks to be finally dodging the machine this year. Or is he? Be sure to check out his article Getting Hit by the Madden Hype Machine to find out for yourself. Be sure to let Caley know if you have gotten hit by the machine like he has the past few years.


"Somewhere, deep inside EA's corporate headquarters, marketing executives have my picture framed on the wall. Or at least I think they do, as it seems every advertising decision designed to fuel the Madden hype machine targets my individual weaknesses. It's like they ask, "What will Roark fall for next?" and then stick that on the front of the box."

GrayFox51 08-13-2008 12:05 PM

Re: Getting Hit by the Madden Hype Machine
Just play the damn game if you want, I'm not reading that

King LeJon #23 08-13-2008 12:34 PM

HAHA I agree, This is the first year I have not bought madden in over 10...it feels great! especially after reading all the problems/glitches/bugs it has. Now I can just patiently wait for NBA 2k9

bigjake62505 08-13-2008 12:45 PM

No I wasn't hit buy the BS that EA churns out every year. I have not got Madden yet but I might after it goes down and the patches are out.

El Greazy 1 08-13-2008 12:57 PM

Very well said. I am much like you and had been on the fence for many years but I gave up on Madden after the 07 installment. Until the gameplay quality begins holding it’s own with the quality of other aspects of the game (player models, stadiums, etc), I will hold off on any further purchase. Don’t get me wrong, there are some major strong points to Madden because it does a lot of things well, but at the core of every game one has to ask themself: what is the gameplay like? To me that's the biggest selling point of any game and if it's not up to par, then in my opinion, it does not warrant my hard earned money nor support.

Reviews and feedback have been extremely promising, especially considering the development team is keeping consumers in touch as to patches/fixes (this, I can tell you, is very impressive to me because it’s never really been done by the Madden team before), but I will wait out until the hype fizzles and fades and fixes are affixed. I believe this is the year many gamers will wait out the series and possibly look into other alternatives: buying it used or on EBAY, the Blitz series, All Pro, Backbreaker, Tecmo, etc because it seems, on a whole, that people have started to become aware and are no longer appeased with “good enough”.

I wish the Madden franchise no ill-will because I am a fan of football and football games and I would buy any football game that is a great product. B\ut I would really love for there to be competition in the genre. Competition breeds excellence and without it the one on top crumbles under its own hype and power. This can be said for societies, sports dynasties, animals in nature, etc and in this case, we may be at the beginning stages of seeing one of the most ubiquitous franchises of all time begin to crack and possibly collapse.

C Jay Tha Real 08-13-2008 01:27 PM

your loss

Caveman Mafia 08-13-2008 01:36 PM

Hi, my name is Caveman and i haven't bought madden since Vick was on the cover...i swore off it and i've been doing alright even though i do get the urge sometimes....then i play a friends copy and i lol at how terrible it is....now only if i could do the same for NCAA

DaveDQ 08-13-2008 01:42 PM

Re: Getting Hit by the Madden Hype Machine

Originally Posted by GrayFox51 (Post 2038600378)
Just play the damn game if you want, I'm not reading that

lol..that could probably be the default response to many comments on here.

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