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TylerDurdenVol 12-02-2008 02:47 PM

Need help stopping the slip screen!
My friend leans on that play like a walking cane and I can't stop it! Please help me with some defenses and strategy.Thanks!!!!!

Bucksfan7 12-02-2008 02:51 PM

Re: Need help stopping the slip screen!

Originally Posted by TylerDurdenVol (Post 2038958055)
My friend leans on that play like a walking cane and i can't stop it! Please help me with some defenses and strategy.Thanks!!!!!

I control the FS and sometimes just spy with him on the HB. Its easy to read actually cause almost the entire OL runs right or left. Thats the easiest way to stop it imo. Also hot route your DE's to guard the HB or hot route the DE's to cover the flats, i do that sometimes against people/CPU who run screens alot.

But if you do control the FS and spy the HB be careful cause if you miss the tackle on the HB he's gonna run for days.

Oh also basic man defense in like dime works just fine.

Sefrit 12-02-2008 03:10 PM

Re: Need help stopping the slip screen!
My problem with the screen is that the HB runs into the flat and is off screen when the QB throws the pass. I can read the screen every time but I don't know how to run my defender (usually the MLB) to disrupt the passing lane because I can't see the HB. Any ideas how to prevent this?

thelasthurtknee 12-02-2008 03:33 PM

Re: Need help stopping the slip screen!
if you are the mlb dont worry about the passing lane. you have to read the screen and under cut the oline and get on the hb's hip so you dont get blocked. as he's catching the ball you will get thetackle. this is real good out of cover two but if you run man make sure you use the backer who is supposed to cover the hb. this is one play that never works on me by hums. also if you do this vs. the cpu you will get sack 50% of the time because the qb wont throw it.

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