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Squeezee12 05-02-2010 12:44 AM

NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization
I have always been a customization guy. I used to spend hours on last-gen creating teams on NCAA's CAS. So it goes without saying how happy I was when TeamBuilder was announced last year after being without a CAS feature for several years on next-gen. I have truly enjoyed TeamBuilder but I think it still needs some work as far as adding more customizing.

Yesterday I stumbled across the video of Backbreaker's team customization.... And I have to say it looks pretty amazing. And its on the disc.. (I know that NCAA has more stuff to it than Backbreaker does so I understand TB not being on the disc.) But the customizing for Backbreaker looks pretty sick! EA needs to take a look at it and get some ideas. Now I truly have no interest in buying Backbreaker but with that video and being the customize freak that I am I might give it some thought.

Im sure some have seen the video but for those that haven't here it is.


What do you guys think about it? (I know some might not be into this like I am but just thought I would share it.)

seawolves9 05-02-2010 12:56 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization
Damn.. That was pretty impressive for all being in-game. I really liked the tools they gave you for designing the logo and endzone. That area is farrrrr better than what team builder has to offer in my opinion.

Pacman83 05-02-2010 01:01 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization
I think Teambuilder needs work, for example last year i couldn't have team colored gear, or even pick the right brand of shoes (i don't think), also the stadium options sucked for me because they weren't unique...but it was the 1st year, so i get it. But it did have plenty of options and the colors really pop this year. A few more options and tweaks and I could spend hours making teams just like BB (probably).
But the basis for backbreaker is customization, beside the engine that is, nothing but options. And you should support it if you can, because it makes them and EA games better.

Squeezee12 05-02-2010 01:16 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization

Originally Posted by Pacman83 (Post 2041018876)
I think Teambuilder needs work, for example last year i couldn't have team colored gear, or even pick the right brand of shoes (i don't think), also the stadium options sucked for me because they weren't unique...but it was the 1st year, so i get it. But it did have plenty of options and the colors really pop this year. A few more options and tweaks and I could spend hours making teams just like BB (probably).
But the basis for backbreaker is customization, beside the engine that is, nothing but options. And you should support it if you can, because it makes them and EA games better.

I agree with you. Ive truly enjoyed TeamBuilder. And like you said it does need some more work. It did blow away any last-gen CAS that is for sure. We are going into only the second year with it. So I hope they continue to build onto it.

PantherBeast_OS 05-02-2010 01:35 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization
The difference between ncaa team builder and BB Team Cust. is. The you can put any NFL logo on the helmets and fields and still play with it online. As to BB team Cust. you will not be able to us it online what so ever. Team builder is way better. :duel:

canes21 05-02-2010 02:15 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization

Originally Posted by Legend Killer (Post 2041018941)
The difference between ncaa team builder and BB Team Cust. is. The you can put any NFL logo on the helmets and fields and still play with it online. As to BB team Cust. you will not be able to us it online what so ever. Team builder is way better. :duel:

You can use an NFL Logo in Backbreaker. You just can't use for example, the Washington Redskins as your team city and name. You can use however Washington DC Redskins or WAS Redskins.

Thats online BTW. Offline, you can create anything you want. Anything

Rivals 05-02-2010 02:44 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization
Looks like Forza.

SemperVictoria 05-02-2010 02:57 AM

Re: NCAA's TeamBuilder vs Backbreaker's Team Customization
Team Builder doesn't come close to what BackBreaker's capable of in terms of customization.

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