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Steady Eddie 11-03-2010 03:56 PM

auto-shot aim
looking for some pointers here gents for anyone that's using auto-shot aim (as opposed to the default manual) in offline play - tuner v1.05

about to do some testing myself to see if having auto-shot aim enabled allows me to keep default shot & power settings in place for those sliders (both human & CPU) and likewise keep the GK reaction sliders at default.

what I'm looking for assistance in is what determines where the player will shoot the puck ? ... to explain that better perhaps , even with auto-shot aim 'on' do you still have to signal your intent of which corner (and high or low) you're going for with the left thumbstick ? (same as manual aiming really) ... or is it simply a case of ripping off your type of shot with the right thumbstick ?

if it's the latter (just ripping away with right thumbstick) then I'm somewhat at odds with my own mind here as what determines if the shot goes in or is saved ? ... is it simply down to game coding does anybody know ? ... ie: for that particular moment in time the code of the game determines that you're in the right place at the right time with an able shooter attempting the right style of shot on goal for the situation and some statistical parameter suggests he'd score all other things being equal and with the wind blowing in the right direction ... :confused:

savoie2006 11-03-2010 10:57 PM

Re: auto-shot aim
I believe the Cpu picks the location, which would be why it's called auto shot aim. You just deke and shoot with the stick. I guess if you're a beginner(not saying you are), this would be a good option. Me personally, I've never tried using it, because it takes away from the immersiveness using the Skill Stick. Half the reason I started playing EA Hockey again. I would hope that if it is indeed the AI that picks the shot location, that it is based on several factors; such as positioning of the skater,type of shot taken,positioning of the goalie, the location from the which the skater is shooting from, and how much the traffic is in front of the net. I would hope it's not just a luck of the draw type of thing.

Steady Eddie 11-04-2010 08:56 AM

Re: auto-shot aim

Originally Posted by savoie2006 (Post 2041814360)
I believe the Cpu picks the location, which would be why it's called auto shot aim. You just deke and shoot with the stick.

I would hope it's not just a luck of the draw type of thing.

to answer the part in bold - yes , that's really where I was probably coming from with my OP ... re: the quote of " is it simply down to game coding "

I was curious to see what happens with auto-shot aim following on from the thread Al_Tito13 posted about 'puck control & shot accuracy' that we both posted in where most people would seem to agree that a more realistic and more loose puck feel (certainly in regards passing) happens when the puck control slider is set to 0 - however , is this maybe also affecting shot accuracy as quite a few people seem to quote that they're not seeing the goal variety they expect in the slot area.

Using manual shot aim with puck control at 0 and shot accuracy most likely set back from the default of 3 (as most peoples sliders seem to have it) - versus - using auto shot aim with puck control at 0 and shot accuracy at default 3 was the tangent I was heading towards ... is the goal variety perhaps better ? - not had chance to test anything out yet myself.

Got plenty of time on my hands this afternoon so will go and try a few things out.

JayhawkerStL 11-13-2010 04:53 PM

Re: auto-shot aim
My experience with auto-aim is that it picks a location in the same way it picks a location for the CPU team. So snipers are more likely to find a hole than a grinder.

I can understand why folks are resistant to giving up that control we would have over shooting. But after really spending a lot of time getting manual aim down, so I could enjoy HUT, I found it it to be far more empty feeling than auto-aim. I saw more than enough top corner shots. The better I got at scoring, the more empty they felt.

I'd say, using manual aim doesn't really require much strategy. Just spam those corners and the goals will come. But auto-aim forces me to thin a lot harder about how I am setting a shot up, and who I am using.

So when I play with auto-aim, I get all kinds of shots going in, through all five holes. I can't compensate for a grinder and expect goals. I was really surprised that I would feel this way after finally becoming comfortable with manual aim. Playing with manual aim was my number one priority this year, but I'm back to auto-aim because manual felt too easy and soulless.


jkra0512 11-13-2010 05:04 PM

Re: auto-shot aim

Originally Posted by Jayhawker (Post 2041842313)
My experience with auto-aim is that it picks a location in the same way it picks a location for the CPU team. So snipers are more likely to find a hole than a grinder.

I can understand why folks are resistant to giving up that control we would have over shooting. But after really spending a lot of time getting manual aim down, so I could enjoy HUT, I found it it to be far more empty feeling than auto-aim. I saw more than enough top corner shots. The better I got at scoring, the more empty they felt.

I'd say, using manual aim doesn't really require much strategy. Just spam those corners and the goals will come. But auto-aim forces me to thin a lot harder about how I am setting a shot up, and who I am using.

So when I play with auto-aim, I get all kinds of shots going in, through all five holes. I can't compensate for a grinder and expect goals. I was really surprised that I would feel this way after finally becoming comfortable with manual aim. Playing with manual aim was my number one priority this year, but I'm back to auto-aim because manual felt too easy and soulless.


I love this...I've only recently switched to manual shot aim. But, I'm thinking about going back to auto-aim for an entirely different reason. I SUCK WITH MANUAL AIM..haha

I agree with you Jawhawker, you see a better variety of goals scored. Furthermore, there seems to be a reliance, for better or worse, on the shooting ratings instead of your individual skill as a gamer.

Fiddy 04-18-2011 10:15 AM

Re: auto-shot aim
just started playing offline again.. bc of the playoffs etc, started a playoff mode with all the correct matchups, user control every team.

man, oh man how i have missed auto aim!! playing in all our online leagues, obviously its all manual aim.. variety of goals is well, brutal.. every game is pretty predictable even though all the guys play a solid realistic game.

played a few of the playoff mode games with auto aim on, seeing all kinds of variety.. under the goalies arms on regular wrist shots, clean 5 hole goals etc.. it was like a sigh of relief (for a bit)..

while this game has all kinds of issues during offline game play. at least using auto aim can be a bit of a distraction to get some solid goals..

hopefully we see that icebreaker game, or a 2k game again next year.. so that ea has to step it up for NHL 13.. the more games on the market, the better it is for us!!

RealmK 04-18-2011 11:46 AM

Re: auto-shot aim

Originally Posted by Fiddy (Post 2042316505)
just started playing offline again.. bc of the playoffs etc, started a playoff mode with all the correct matchups, user control every team.

man, oh man how i have missed auto aim!! playing in all our online leagues, obviously its all manual aim.. variety of goals is well, brutal.. every game is pretty predictable even though all the guys play a solid realistic game.

played a few of the playoff mode games with auto aim on, seeing all kinds of variety.. under the goalies arms on regular wrist shots, clean 5 hole goals etc.. it was like a sigh of relief (for a bit)..

while this game has all kinds of issues during offline game play. at least using auto aim can be a bit of a distraction to get some solid goals..

hopefully we see that icebreaker game, or a 2k game again next year.. so that ea has to step it up for NHL 13.. the more games on the market, the better it is for us!!

I see all types of goals on manual. Granted I cycle and don't go to the same tactics over and over though.

Fiddy 04-18-2011 05:25 PM

Re: auto-shot aim
i cycle a crap ton.. i pass up obvious scoring chances bc of the goal is gonna be the same etc on manual aim..

i only averaged 18 shots in our 40 plus game league, cycle, cycle, etc etc.. but guess what, goal variety sucks.. just like your Bruins.. :)

more goal variety on NHL 94 than NHL 11!!

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