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tcrews 01-26-2011 03:56 PM

Looking for an answer from my fellow OS'ers to a quick quesiton I have.
I bought Madden 11 on launch and had a blast with it for a little while. I can't remember what happened exactly. My interest waned very quickly after the "newness" of the game wore off. If memory serves me correctly, it had something to do with too many big plays on both sides, my cpu teammates being really stupid when it came to pass coverage, always way out of position, etc.

That being said, I never made it past any patches that did anything for gameplay. I'm not sure how many patches have come out since then, or if there's tuner sets like there are with NCAA 11. But I'm sure many of you can relate to being frustrated when the game first came out, because aside from a few things here and there, the game was a blast. Unfortunately those "things" proved to also be too much for me to continue enjoying the game and get a realistic experience out of it.

Have there been any major changes via patch or tuner sets? Does the game play practically the same as it did when it first came out, worse, or is it better?

I remember awhile back when NBA 2k10 came out, it was in desperate need of a patch. When it finally hit, the game became 100X better and was widely regarded as a great basketball game. So a patch certainly can change a game drastically.

Thank you for your responses in advance. I sincerely appreciate your time in helping me out.

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