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jaynral 08-27-2014 07:49 PM

Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
Maybe I'm bugging out, but I'm still seeing a lot of body parts flinging around and just looking awkward. I remember in the videos especially the gameplay one, the tackles looked organic, vicious and bodies flying everywhere. Bodies flipping over the pile. Can someone else confirm this?

munky1307 08-27-2014 08:00 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
I agree there are some loose physics at time. My take though is I'll take that ALL DAY LONG over canned animations.

Zac 08-27-2014 08:09 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
I'm kind of enjoying the new odd ragdoll physics. I've seen some crazy tackles. Guys flipped up in the air from big hits to the legs, etc. Its fun to watch.

AshamanCarnage 08-27-2014 08:22 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
I've seen a mixture of good and bad. I've seen a lot of good open field tackles and big hits, but I have seen a lot of crazy, body parts going weird way hits as well. Although it does seem a little less crazy then in M25 and a lot better then the same couple tackles over and over.

UMhester04 08-27-2014 08:36 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
This is the best tackling I've ever seen in a Madden game.

reverend_heat 08-27-2014 08:39 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos

Originally Posted by munky1307 (Post 2046523321)
I agree there are some loose physics at time. My take though is I'll take that ALL DAY LONG over canned animations.

This 100%, we must never go back!

Zac 08-27-2014 08:41 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
There also appears to be many more animations this year. I've seem some crazy good two and three man tackles where it looked real. Not some crazy fly into the other guys to knock them down animation like past games.

SolidSquid 08-27-2014 08:41 PM

Re: Tackling animation don't look or seem like the tackling in the early videos
It's just too "loose". Guys still don't really use their arms. Arms and legs are still bending in awkward positions. It seems like players don't have any sense of self preservation. Never bracing for impact when falling to the groind

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