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RaychelSnr 07-28-2015 02:17 PM

MLB 15 The Show Video - Improving Diamond Dynasty
Diamond Dynasty has been a huge hit on Operation Sports this year, and I'm one of the many who has been sucked in by the mode. It's a more streamlined approach to the fantasy team concept, and taking the more straightforward approach has worked in Sony's favor. However, improvements can always be made to any mode, and so that's what we'll take a look at in this video.

If you can't see the video above, click here.

misterkrabz 07-28-2015 02:35 PM

Would like to see:

Expand Stat Tracking (team and player)
Allow for multiple lineups and multiple teams
Would also add the ability to join a DD tournament...have like an 8 or 16 team brackets where you win and advance, lose and you're out. Having better pay outs the further you advance.

I love the "Fan Duel" team building concept...would absolutely love that, it's an awesome idea. That would encourage you to keep player cards and change your play style from game to game. It would get you away from having to play a roster full of hall of famers.

ChaseB 07-28-2015 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by misterkrabz (Post 2047526439)
Would like to see:

Expand Stat Tracking (team and player)
Allow for multiple lineups and multiple teams
Would also add the ability to join a DD tournament...have like an 8 or 16 team brackets where you win and advance, lose and you're out. Having better pay outs the further you advance.

I love the "Fan Duel" team building concept...would absolutely love that, it's an awesome idea. That would encourage you to keep player cards and change your play style from game to game. It would get you away from having to play a roster full of hall of famers.

The stat tracking one is a really good one to me. It's weird you can really only see the "in-depth" player stats for guys on your team within a game and not in the menus.

cnemergut 07-30-2015 05:16 PM

Re: MLB 15 The Show Video - Improving Diamond Dynasty
I'd like to see Community Challenges disappear and instead just give people more stubs for a win in the random h2h matchups. Maybe even have a tier system where you get more stubs based on the rating/division of your opponent. I feel like this would put more emphasis on actually playing the game and "winning"

kackle85 07-31-2015 09:01 AM

It needs to be harder to obtain Gold and Platinum cards. It gets boring playing against teams with the same lineups of 95 + rated stars and legends.

redsox4evur 07-31-2015 11:31 AM

Re: MLB 15 The Show Video - Improving Diamond Dynasty

Originally Posted by cnemergut (Post 2047532825)
I'd like to see Community Challenges disappear and instead just give people more stubs for a win in the random h2h matchups. Maybe even have a tier system where you get more stubs based on the rating/division of your opponent. I feel like this would put more emphasis on actually playing the game and "winning"

They have already gotten rid of the good community challenges yesterday morning. And I disagree with that. It's not like it's causing prices to skyrocket because guys could get a ton of stubs from doing these challenges. You would only get like 5 or 600 stubs for doing a challenge completely (99 attempts) if you had some collections completed.

HeavySaucer 07-31-2015 01:20 PM

Re: MLB 15 The Show Video - Improving Diamond Dynasty

Originally Posted by redsox4evur (Post 2047534924)
They have already gotten rid of the good community challenges yesterday morning. And I disagree with that. It's not like it's causing prices to skyrocket because guys could get a ton of stubs from doing these challenges. You would only get like 5 or 600 stubs for doing a challenge completely (99 attempts) if you had some collections completed.

People were getting more than that for the community challenges. With about 20 collections completed, I was getting about 2,000 stubs and 10 cards for going 2/3 of the way through a triple play challenge.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

redsox4evur 07-31-2015 01:50 PM

Re: MLB 15 The Show Video - Improving Diamond Dynasty

Originally Posted by HeavySaucer (Post 2047535215)
People were getting more than that for the community challenges. With about 20 collections completed, I was getting about 2,000 stubs and 10 cards for going 2/3 of the way through a triple play challenge.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

Still it's not like it's destroying the market and inflating the prices of all the top guys like Trout, Williams, etc. I don't see the problem with it honestly. And most of the time the cards are crap anyways unless you are just starting out.

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