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Steve_OS 09-15-2015 09:22 AM

NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

The NBA Live 16 demo is available now for Xbox One gamers and is scheduled to release at 1:00 PM ET for PlayStation 4. We will update this post when it officially arrives on the PS Store.

UPDATE: It's now 2:00 PM ET, no sign of the demo on PS4, we will post when it is available.

UPDATE: The NBA Live 16 demo is available now on PS4. Click here if you can't find it.

The demo includes the new LIVE Pro-Am mode, featuring both the competitive LIVE Run and cooperative Summer Circuit. For those of you looking for an offline experience you can play exhibition games in Tip-Off mode. Users can choose from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Oklahoma City Thunder, Golden St. Warriors, Washington Wizards, Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Clippers. Players can adjust sliders, difficulty level, play up to 12 minute quarters and more. It also includes tutorials.

Download it, play it and post your impressions.

nova91 09-15-2015 09:37 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio
Shooting feels far too easy. Once you get timing down you can easily hit threes from almost any distance.

BellSKA 09-15-2015 09:51 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio
I'm impressed. Came in with low expectations (maybe that's a good thing)
I've played 8 online games and think I've played every court.

-The courts...WOW! Very impressive. There's a unique feel to each one and they all look great. I noticed even a home/ away advantage/ disadvantage. Albeit small, it was there. Lighting was great and I enjoyed playing on all. The only knock was a weird halo effect when playing on the Rucker. Once the ball got above the rim, both the rim & ball had a glow. Not sure if it was lighting or one side only. That was the only issue with the courts.
-I really like how you can create a player and changing the height/ weight will affect speed, vert, stamina, etc. It sounds stupid to pride that because it's how it should be, but EA got it right. I need to get used to the attribute upgrades and costs, but it looks like a smart idea.
-Players look good for it only being a demo. Some clothes look bulky/ baggy, but again, demo. Once games started I didn't really notice it.
Emphasis on team ball is great.
-As a roll player I love being able to set up players and help create space. I also like that you've got to work to get a good teammate grade. It was also nice being able to see when a teammate got a grade change.

I'm not going to rip the demo too much. Just things that really drive me crazy.
-LAG! Yes, it's here so get used to it. My biggest issue with the lag was rebounding. I had 3 of 8 games that were noticeably bad with lag. What was even worse, was it wasn't just game lag, it was parlayed with it's old friend input lag. I'd be the only person under the hoop holding L2 for the rebound and I'd hit Y and my player wouldn't jump. I'd always get beat by someone crashing the boards late. Then as soon as they landed my idiot would jump. Amusing and frustrating at once. With no lag, rebounding seems okay.
-Cheese is here because people can't help themselves from being A-holes. Step back cheese, zig-zag cheese, dribble chain cheese was all there. But great defense movement and NO perfect release evened it out. I'm sure once players perfect release points there will be more of a reason to complain, but it's okay now.
-Saw 1 big shoot a high 3 percentage. He was 6'8" so I'm not too worried about PF or C's playing as 2 guards anytime soon.
-GamerCard Info shortcut needs to be moved ASAP. When you're in the 5 vs 5 load up screen you have 3 options. Match up is 2nd and GamerCard is 1st. X1 takes so long to load gamer info and back out. Move match up to the top slot. Bad location for quick and ease of use.
-Ease of scoring in the paint and animations in the paint. I was scoring way to easy for a role player. I would roll off the pick and I was going through defenders for the score. I missed 1 layup all night and it was because I forced a rebound layup. Big men should dunk quickly in the paint as well. No more slow extra foot and body movements. Just throw it down big man! Leads to weird awkward layups.

I've gone on long enough, I can talk about this all day. Very excited for my friends to DL the demo to try CooP.

Dizmode 09-15-2015 09:51 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio

Originally Posted by nova91 (Post 2047666928)
Shooting feels far too easy. Once you get timing down you can easily hit threes from almost any distance.

What Difficulty are you playing on please....

mlp111 09-15-2015 10:00 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio
My impression on demo is yes its better than live 15, with that being said it still has ton of work to be done. Live run is incredible fun, will purchase game for that alone. However, the cheese-fest has already began, centers are unstoppable handles and all. Game just doesn't justify a $60 dollar price tag at all IMO. Will pick it up for about $20-25 dollars tops when the price drops. Animations and transitions are a nightmare at time, and the passing is horridly floaty. I'm just not sure how to really take this game honestly, but demo is enough for me to know it will not be a day one purchase for sure.

BellSKA 09-15-2015 10:06 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio

Originally Posted by mlp111 (Post 2047667004)
My impression on demo is yes its better than live 15, with that being said it still has ton of work to be done. Live run is incredible fun, will purchase game for that alone. However, the cheese-fest has already began, centers are unstoppable handles and all. Game just doesn't justify a $60 dollar price tag at all IMO. Will pick it up for about $20-25 dollars tops when the price drops. Animations and transitions are a nightmare at time, and the passing is horridly floaty. I'm just not sure how to really take this game honestly, but demo is enough for me to know it will not be a day one purchase for sure.

If you could purchase a la carte I'd definitely get Live Run for $10-$15. I still want to see how fun Summer Circuit Coop will be. I'd pay $10-$20 for both if that was an option. Right now it's looking like a Vault game. But I am more optimistic than I was 24 hours ago.

TheBadazz 09-15-2015 10:09 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio
All I played so far was Pro-Am, it was ok. Everybody wants to be a Slasher or a Shooter and chuck em. I play low post scorer but I got to score off rebounds. Will be better with friends. If EA works on the clunky-ness, I will pick it up at the $35 dollar mark. $40 tops.

scottyp180 09-15-2015 10:38 AM

Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available Now For Xbox One, 1 PM ET For PS4, Post Your Impressio
Are size up dribble moves gone? I've been playing the demo, trying to get a feel for the controls and noticed I can't do size up moves like last year. Wasn't sure if they changed the controls or removed them completely.

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