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DJ NEO 12-05-2015 09:36 PM

Gamechangers Nhl17 event #1 (very early impressions by djneo)
EDIT 2: (April 1st, 2017)

Hello hockey friends,

I think it would be fair to inform you that after very long thinking I decided as a desperate protest to leave the current GameChangers group.
So I did this morning.

I don't like what is happening to the game/where it's heading/where are pressure resources spent, couldn't​ change it, so I left.

If you knew that basically everything you​ just named, everything this community wanted forever was thrown out of the window or "deprioritized" not as an exchange for some other meaningful feature, but for something that is exactly opposite that sim community keeps asking for year after year.

Something that I personally think is almost disrespectful for the game of hockey and will change the series forever. Suck the resources from the series and take​ time from development...

More in the second part of the thread..

Original post:

Guys, not gonna lie, I feel very optimistic now. Im so glad I was here.
If everything goes as planned, NHL 17 will be THAT pure hockey sim some of us waiting for for years.

Yep, Im excited :) More later as I get home..


Hey guys,

thanks for the comments and for your support.
Feels like I need to clear few things up, so U better know the situation..

1) Im not here to build the hype for NHL 17, I was just too excited after I met some of the developers and it was
just too hard for me to stay shut up :)
It doest even makes sense for EA business wise if U think about it, they wanna sell NHL 16 now, not 17 right? ;)

2) Maybe some of U are wondering why they picked me, because Im from Czech republic and thats in Europe, not North America. Well, I was surprised too. I've heard some voices on the internet that we Gamechangers feel so lucky to go to the event that we would hype the game no matter what.

Well, maybe it will surprise U, but my 1st answer was "NO".
I felt really pleased and honored to b invited to the studio of a game which I follow from NHL 93, but as many of U guys I felt this is more PR thing than that I could really change anything.
Which is cool Ya know, for a fan that lives few hours from Vancover, but not for someone who is not exactly flying enthusiast as me and lives in another continent :D

I also asked them if its really not a problem that Im not very used to speak in english. Believe me, it is quite
a difference to write or read in foreign language than try to make a point, face to face in front of 10+ other
So I was kinda worried that I will travel this far just to look like completely idiot. There is zero fun
factor in it even for a hardcore guy like me hah :)

But then Shay, community manager, asked me if Im really sure, that I were requested specifically by the
development team for insights into the single player modes, offline GM etc and I said to myself that maybe they are actually really serious about getting feedback.

3) There is no tabu on event.
U can say or ask anything. If U think we just sit there, afraid to ask anything important, U are wrong.
Rammer specifically said that we should b open as possible, thats why we're there.

I can give U few examples if U want.
They asked us something like how we felt about NHL 15 Gamechangers program, I said that I felt like this is just a PR thing.. they asked why I feel this way, I answered that I dont get why to make events like this just to get feedback, if there are forums full of great feedback from community already.

There was a question what we think about NHL 16.. I answered that I dont play it too much, cuz to me it just feel
too much like 15.5, that there is just not enough progress made for someone who played NHL 15 a lot.

Sometimes I felt I was even too much impolite, not that I wanted to, but with my limited language skills I was
just happy I made a point :)
But hey, they didnt kicked me, so they are good people! :D

Seriously tho, it was a great disccussion. Sometimes I kinda stopped and just look around telling myself if it is
really happening or Im just dreaming. I wish U guys could experince that too, it was awesome.

4) EA vs. 2K, who is more hardcore?!

Sometimes I read nice comments that Im true SIM guy (or whatever) just because Im a 2K guy. Hey Ven, good to see U here :)
Venom is probably the most "2K guy" U can meet on internet :D We had many great and not so great disccussions on good old (

s_mkheidze 12-06-2015 06:12 PM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)
knowing your love for a pure hockey sim...this has me excited as well.

Nickflyers 12-06-2015 10:27 PM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)
can't wait!! :cheers:

JJMarley 12-07-2015 12:35 AM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)
Hype train!

Sent from my LGLS885 using Tapatalk

intrepid 12-07-2015 01:19 AM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)
Until they mess it all up with a tuner right after release :laugh:...hopefully dj's right and we'll get the good hockey sim many of us have been waiting for (and that we'll have the ability to keep it that way)

Money99 12-07-2015 07:27 AM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)

Originally Posted by DJ NEO (Post 2047880167)
Guys, not gonna lie, I feel very optimistic now. Im so glad I was here.
If everything goes as planned, NHL 17 will be THAT pure hockey sim some of us waiting for for years.

Yep, Im excited :) More later as I get home..

This is me not holding my breath.
I don't doubt what you've seen and played.

But being a former Community guy for a different game (Fight Night) the build we played and the build that was released weren't even close to being the same.
And I've read from other community guys that their experiences were no different for many other EA games.

EA brings in the hardcore and they tweak the game to play for that small, minority, circle of gamers.
The Community guys, in turn, run back to their respective sites, message boards, blogs and praise the EA gods for building a hardcore sim we can all get behind.

But the minute those community guys leave, they change the game back to what the masses would like.

I can't express how excited I was for Fight Night when I first got my hands on it.
I came to these boards singing their praises.
Then the game was released and I had egg all over my face.

The game I played, the jabs and crosses were awesome. You couldn't just wade in and throw punches with abandon. A good jab could keep you at bay, and a flushly landed cross would put you on queer street or keep you honest.
But the retail version dumbed down both punches so they were essentially ineffectual.

I hope I'm wrong about NHL17.
But I've heard this song before.

AdamJones113 12-07-2015 07:32 AM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)

Originally Posted by Money99 (Post 2047883063)
This is me not holding my breath.
I don't doubt what you've seen and played.

But being a former Community guy for a different game (Fight Night) the build we played and the build that was released weren't even close to being the same.
And I've read from other community guys that their experiences were no different for many other EA games.

EA brings in the hardcore and they tweak the game to play for that small, minority, circle of gamers.
The Community guys, in turn, run back to their respective sites, message boards, blogs and praise the EA gods for building a hardcore sim we can all get behind.

But the minute those community guys leave, they change the game back to what the masses would like.

I can't express how excited I was for Fight Night when I first got my hands on it.
I came to these boards singing their praises.
Then the game was released and I had egg all over my face.

The game I played, the jabs and crosses were awesome. You couldn't just wade in and throw punches with abandon. A good jab could keep you at bay, and a flushly landed cross would put you on queer street or keep you honest.
But the retail version dumbed down both punches so they were essentially ineffectual.

I hope I'm wrong about NHL17.
But I've heard this song before.

I feel the same way... but the game wasn't even played. The first meet was a conceptual, "let's hear your thoughts... here are ours," meeting, not gameplay. From other GCs, I heard that there's some excellent stuff planned (obviously may not make it into the final product) and that the dev team really seems to be on board with all the feedback the GCs brought in.

I know that most GCs had a huge list of community wishes and feedback, and that not all of it was finished: that's how far in-depth discussions went. That, ot gameplay impressions, has me excited for 17.

mikeyflex 12-07-2015 09:07 AM

Re: Gamechanger event #1 (very early impressions)
Just out of curiosity what are you basing your optimism on that NHL 17 is going to be great? I took a look at the packet of suggestions, to be honest, I stopped when I read this, "NHL 16 is far and away the best EA Sports NHL title produced". Sorry to say, someone has to keep it real here, there is no credibility when you make a statement like this. Not looking to troll or stir the pot, just sharing my opinion.

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