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RaychelSnr 01-25-2016 01:58 PM

NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

The NBA 2K series' longstanding issues with floor spacing and player movement have become more exposed by this year's 10-player Pro-Am mode. In this mode, your 99-rated, 40-badge MyPlayers can sprint across the court quickly enough to double team a big man on the block, then swerve back out to the three-point line just in time to contest a kick-out jump shot.

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Rockie_Fresh88 01-25-2016 02:36 PM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched
Omg!! YESSS . Chris these have been my main complaints . That's why I don't see how I can take the road to the finals serious .

de5m0n 01-25-2016 02:59 PM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched
Also some people are able to dribble through my body and make passes that go through defender's body while I get stripped on 1st attempt with my 88 ball handling.

Kingofthecouch 01-25-2016 03:04 PM

I agree with every point you made but I wouldn't hold my breath on any of it being fixed.

snyder2nyce 01-25-2016 03:04 PM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched
They need to reduce strip on layups and buff the SF SG PF because they're obsolete. All the top ranked teams we've played so far had 3 PG 5'10 -6'2 and two 7'+ Cs. As a 6-9 SF going against 6'2 PG i get stripped on everything.

Brandon698 01-25-2016 03:36 PM

My friend and I have said they need to make badges harder to obtain. Maybe in order to get gold badges you have to play on Hall of Fame. Also, no fouling out in games or you're penalized by the coach and you get suspended or something for hurting the team. 2k has made it too easy to cheese. Also, there isn't many 7'2/7'3 Centers in the league. Why is that an option on 2k? Centers should not be able to strip point guards. They really have some work to do. Why in the heck would I want to play an e-sports version when the game isn't even fair?

Brandon698 01-25-2016 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by snyder2nyce (Post 2047974053)
They need to reduce strip on layups and buff the SF SG PF because they're obsolete. All the top ranked teams we've played so far had 3 PG 5'10 -6'2 and two 7'+ Cs. As a 6-9 SF going against 6'2 PG i get stripped on everything.

It's stupid as hell. In the NBA, only a few players are able to strip someone with a high success rate. Most players get a lot of wrist and get a foul. 2k has made the game for casual players that will pay to play.

ILLSmak 01-25-2016 04:08 PM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

Originally Posted by Brandon698 (Post 2047974122)
My friend and I have said they need to make badges harder to obtain. Maybe in order to get gold badges you have to play on Hall of Fame. Also, no fouling out in games or you're penalized by the coach and you get suspended or something for hurting the team. 2k has made it too easy to cheese. Also, there isn't many 7'2/7'3 Centers in the league. Why is that an option on 2k? Centers should not be able to strip point guards. They really have some work to do. Why in the heck would I want to play an e-sports version when the game isn't even fair?

Basically, they need to make it so that you choose a type of player and it allows you to get certain badges. They try to do this with attribute caps, but remember when you could only have a few badges equipped?

They basically need to make more types of players and make each one valuable thru attributes/badges. And make it so that there can be different team builds.

Making a game look realistic, making the computer run semi-complex plays, improving trade-logic, etc is all pretty advanced stuff, but actual game balance is so much beyond that. I think they need awhile more to figure it out. Also, I kind of believe that they might think if they tone down the ability of players that people will want to play less... which is completely wrong, I think.

I *hope* with them calling this an e-sport that they will balance it. I will probably play it, but if it gets that bad near the top, I will stop. Should also have an attribute penalty for playing out of position.

O well.


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