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jpdavis82 08-12-2016 01:15 PM

Madden NFL 17 Video - Player Creation & Career Mode Weekly Training (AiiRxJONES)
AiiRxJONES has posted a new Madden NFL 17 video showing off player creation and the weekly training in career mode.

<iframe width="620" height="349" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hwLk-stue-Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

cthurt 08-12-2016 01:38 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones
So the half spat was changed but it literally changed a high top cleat to a low top cleat once you equip it, sorry EA that's a fail, and the full spat which need the most work done to it still looks the same as before like a leg cast.


dbkaeoz33 08-12-2016 02:21 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones

Originally Posted by cthurt (Post 2048331980)
So the half spat was changed but it literally changed a high top cleat to a low top cleat once you equip it, sorry EA that's a fail, and the full spat which need the most work done to it still looks the same as before like a leg cast.


Why would you half spat high top cleats? The point of the high top UA cleats is to give extra ankle support. No need to spat those. Find something else to be disappointed about

cthurt 08-12-2016 02:40 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones

Originally Posted by dbkaeoz33 (Post 2048332089)
Why would you half spat high top cleats? The point of the high top UA cleats is to give extra ankle support. No need to spat those. Find something else to be disappointed about

Appreciate your input smart guy, but that's not the point I don't care about ankle support in a video game but I do care that the cleat transformed into a different size cleat once the spat was equipped, if it did it to that cleat I am sure it will change all other cleats low or high to fit the form of the spat which is a no go the spat should fit the form of the cleat, you know like how it does in real life.

SolidSquid 08-12-2016 02:45 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones

Originally Posted by dbkaeoz33 (Post 2048332089)
Why would you half spat high top cleats? The point of the high top UA cleats is to give extra ankle support. No need to spat those. Find something else to be disappointed about

I mean it's a little thing but he is right, just like how the one arm sleeves aren't the real ones used by NFL players. They are little things in the grand scheme of things but they go a long way toward authenticity

Cowboy008 08-12-2016 02:51 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones
I thought they added more faces in this year? When he went through them there was only 10 he could pick from.

cthurt 08-12-2016 02:54 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones

Originally Posted by Cowboy008 (Post 2048332144)
I thought they added more faces in this year? When he went through them there was only 10 he could pick from.

I believe with each skin color shade you choose from there will be different faces, so I assume that was all that was available under that specific shade he selected.

Cowboy008 08-12-2016 03:15 PM

Re: Career Mode by Aiirxjones

Originally Posted by cthurt (Post 2048332154)
I believe with each skin color shade you choose from there will be different faces, so I assume that was all that was available under that specific shade he selected.

But the faces were all different color and not just all of the same color.

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