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19 05-20-2017 07:29 AM

The Pepe Alazar Saga

Reddit is losing their collective ****s over this.

Apparently he's available in BR drafts... I think it's a bit much, but whatever.

videobastard 05-20-2017 08:12 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga
I never heared of him before. Why would he have a 99 in every category. Hopefully they made a mistake.

19 05-20-2017 08:35 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga

Originally Posted by videobastard (Post 2048842509)
I never heared of him before. Why would he have a 99 in every category. Hopefully they made a mistake.

Scuttlebutt online is it's the 100% Dynasty program reward because it was discovered yesterday and the subreddit went nuclear.


ph33 05-20-2017 09:00 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga
It's a total joke if that is available in drafts. I will actually never play that again if it's the case

BigOscar 05-20-2017 09:12 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga
Honestly, this is a piece of ****. The reward for doing the hardest thing on the game is just some made up nonsense with max stats, utter nonsense. No idea why they thought this was anything other than a terrible idea, it's not as if there aren't enough maxed out made up players running around already. Throw in that they can be drafted in BR and it just stinks.

Utter shambles, as much of this game seems to have been. Some really good ideas in this game, but let down by some crippling poor lack of thought in some other areas (and some terrible implementation in others)

VonRye 05-20-2017 10:51 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga

Originally Posted by videobastard (Post 2048842509)
I never heared of him before. Why would he have a 99 in every category. Hopefully they made a mistake.

Pepe Alazar is Joe Random in spanish.

Mercury112491 05-20-2017 11:13 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga
If they really thought that was a good idea for the Dynasty reward smh. I'll just straight up take a concede loss if I even see that guy in a lineup just on principle.

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SigmundFraud 05-20-2017 11:19 AM

Re: The Pepe Alazar Saga
The biggest problem with all of it is that it's not that difficult to obtain these things. By next week many people are going to have AT LEAST 99 Griffey, 99 Vida Blue, 99 Ripken just handed to them. I'm happy they have such great free rewards this year, but I didn't expect them to be available this soon? They're just going to give us the best shortstop on the game right now? It's going to ruin team variety sooner rather than later. It's disappointing because I had actually noticed a significant change this year in terms of people actually having different lineups.

The Pepe thing is just stupid, I really cant understand how any single person thought that was a good idea, much less and entire team of people. At least he's a little harder to obtain, but then again if you've spent $$$ on the game he's right around the corner for you.

This is legitimately something that will ruin the game for a lot of people. I think SDS would have fixed it if they had time, but now so many people already have these reward cards it's probably too late. How can they so consistently underestimate basic stuff? I can't see why they would have done this if they actually thought people would already be completing it.

What was the rush to release impact veteran Griffey? Why do people need all of this right now? With So many months ahead to release content and add new players, they chose now to give out 5+ 99s? I love this game, but man this is disappointing.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports

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