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yanks126ws 10-29-2018 08:10 AM

Retro Rosters
So I am new to the PC world and I am in the process of building a PC for this game. I have around 15 rosters which I ported from various Maddens to Madden 25 on Xbox 360. I’m hoping I can port them over to PC. These rosters range from 2003-2017 and I hope to them available once I’m up and running. I believe I can port them over via CSV Files/ spreadsheets but I wasn’t sure if there was an easier process to use? I could also make these M25 files available if anyone wants to try converting them to PC as it may be a few weeks till I am able to test them out . More details to come!

Monigane61 10-29-2018 05:14 PM

Re: Retro Rosters
I am a HUGE Ravens fan, I was wondering if you have a roster for either 2000 or 2012 that I could use for Madden 19. I am available to help create rosters as well if you need it done.

yanks126ws 10-29-2018 05:59 PM

Re: Retro Rosters

Originally Posted by Monigane61 (Post 2049591846)
I am a HUGE Ravens fan, I was wondering if you have a roster for either 2000 or 2012 that I could use for Madden 19. I am available to help create rosters as well if you need it done.

I have every season from 2003 to 2017. I’ll try porting over 2012 first as that will probably have a decent amount of portraits and that roster is pretty accurate. One issue will be player faces since I have them all set to madden 25.

Monigane61 10-30-2018 05:29 PM

Re: Retro Rosters
Hey thanks for helping to make Madden have something that really should be a default feature. I have always wanted to re buy the old Madden games just to play with the classic rosters. Thanks for the help creating the 2012 Ravens in a modern Madden game. If you ever need any help with mods or rosters, just PM me!

AC209 10-31-2018 03:49 PM

Re: Retro Rosters
Can you give a list of which specific teams you have?

yanks126ws 10-31-2018 08:32 PM

Re: Retro Rosters

Originally Posted by AC209 (Post 2049594104)
Can you give a list of which specific teams you have?

I have every team completed from 2003-2017 (15 different rosters) (2016 and 2017 may need some final touch ups ) . It’s just porting them from Xbox 360 to PC which I think I can pull off by matching the csv files together. As far as I can tell, majority of the columns are the same but in different locations.

AC209 11-01-2018 12:11 PM

Re: Retro Rosters
Wow every team?! Thats amazing! Cant wait till this to be out


Originally Posted by yanks126ws (Post 2049594372)
I have every team completed from 2003-2017 (15 different rosters) (2016 and 2017 may need some final touch ups ) . It’s just porting them from Xbox 360 to PC which I think I can pull off by matching the csv files together. As far as I can tell, majority of the columns are the same but in different locations.

bbgeek 11-03-2018 09:36 AM

Re: Retro Rosters

Can you post the rosters here? I'd love to have these for Madden 25 on my xbox 360.

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