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Search: Posts Made By: HeelGreenRanger
Forum: After Work Football League 11-05-2017, 07:41 PM
Replies: 363
Views: 33,684
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: M18 Position Change Tracker

RE Ontarius Hawthorne moved to DT
308 lbs

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Forum: After Work Football League 11-04-2017, 09:51 PM
Replies: 363
Views: 33,684
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
M18 Position Change Tracker

OLB Jorian Stone to LE
Forum: After Work Football League 11-03-2017, 06:54 PM
Replies: 363
Views: 33,684
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
M18 Position Change Tracker

CB Darius Slay to FS
190lbs, 89 ZCV

CB Aaron Colvin to SS
193lbs, 82 ZCV
Forum: Madden NFL Football Online 10-25-2017, 09:18 PM
Replies: 1,360
Views: 141,359
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

Looking for:
Sim Style
10+ Min Qs
All Madden
Discord is preferred
Also, I despise playing the CPU. So the fuller the league the better.

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Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-19-2017, 08:03 AM
Replies: 86
Views: 11,437
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Run/Pass commit under threat

And that's the kind of stuff (IMO) that we'll never see unless they make a completely separate "hardcore" type mode.

Because all of that stuff. And just general football stuff, is "too hard" and...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-18-2017, 10:59 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

People have trouble passing the ball on All Pro?
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-16-2017, 05:26 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,369
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Punt Return Blocking Dumbed Down?

I think the problem has been for many years, that the gunners/blockers don't actually do what they are supposed to do.

Irl, gunners don't run full speed back to the PRer and turn around and try...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-15-2017, 07:28 AM
Replies: 86
Views: 11,437
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Run/Pass commit under threat

Nah. Just grab that DE, hot route to a zone. And run around in a circle...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-12-2017, 11:28 PM
Replies: 86
Views: 11,437
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Run/Pass commit under threat

We don't have to concede anything.

They'll just take away whatever they want.

With no promise of replacing it with something better, if anything at all.

Just wait tho.. when M20 drops and...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-11-2017, 07:52 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

Hell thats not even team building.

How is the game itself allowing the CPU to circumvent the position requirements?

That's just crazy.

Team building problems I constantly see, for example,...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-11-2017, 05:37 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

I would assume (I do not know)

That when the meetings are held to decide what's going to be worked on on the next interation of Madden.

There are people who aren't devs, who don't actually...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-10-2017, 01:08 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 414
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Increased level of Disconnects?

I'm in a 32 man CFM league, and I've noticed a HIGH number of DCs over the past few days.

Had one myself, and I haven't had one all Madden season.

Wasn't even laggy, just randomly froze and...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-09-2017, 11:57 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

Offline CFM is dead. Correct.

But even a 32 man Online CFM is barely alive. Unless it's full of guys willing to put in time to create their own stories/content.

It's depressing.

Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-09-2017, 06:39 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

Title Patch Update.
MUT. MUT. Squads. Longshot.


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Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-07-2017, 05:48 PM
Replies: 60
Views: 29,677
Posted By HeelGreenRanger

Imagine Madden with everything you just said.

Now imagine how many bugs and glitches there would be.

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Forum: Madden NFL Football 10-02-2017, 07:21 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

When are they ganna tune the different game modes exactly?

Wasn't that the point. And a big stick they kept waving around this summer?

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Forum: Madden NFL Football 09-29-2017, 07:13 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

I just wish 2k would take a year off actually. Still put out the game obviously. But not try to greatly improve offline MyLeague. Just so I don't feel pressured to get the next one.

Was ganna try...
Forum: NBA 2K Basketball 09-29-2017, 07:03 PM
Replies: 1,007
Views: 737,643
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Official NBA 2k18 MyLeague/MyGm Thread

Player 1: "Yo coach, you should probably increase the training difficulty around here.."


Player 2: "Hey coach, trainings a little rough, mind easing it back a bit?"
Forum: Madden NFL Football 09-28-2017, 06:52 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Madden's future of CFM is alarming

If instead of Longshot, and taking people away for Live.. had they spent the last 3+ years on a renewed CFM that they could have then launched with Frostbite...

Like honestly.

They could make...
Forum: Madden NFL Football 09-27-2017, 04:56 PM
Replies: 672
Views: 79,456
Posted By HeelGreenRanger
Re: Madden's future of CFM is alarming

I just like how he didn't even try to defend it.

I also notice he said "will" and not "are".. so when does M19 Dev start?
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