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Old 08-10-2005, 01:43 AM   #6
Re: This really cracks me up....

Originally Posted by ObiWanJenkins
The stockholders are the most important group to satisfy. And EA isn't going to miss your $50. You know what? EA is still going to make millions of dollars from Madden. Pretty silly to get so worked up about it.

So by that logic, that means McDonalds should start serving rotten, right out the trash food, just because its McDonalds and they will get their money regardless? Kinda like my Cubbies. They refuse to put a top product on the field even though they can easily afford it, but the masses come anyway so its just more money in the upper brass' pockets. F*ck that.

I think that is such B.S. Whatever happened to quality before quantity?
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