Thread: frustrated
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Old 08-25-2005, 11:13 AM   #6
OVR: 1
Join Date: Jul 2003
Re: frustrated

good points, I didn't really consider some of the things mentioned. However, my point about getting together to fix some of the problems still stands. Why NCAA has to have such broken DB AI is a mystery, especially when its fairly solid in Madden. I recognize that the games need to be and feel different now, but broken AI is inexcusable - any semi-serious football gamer would have noticed how brutal the DB's are in NCAA within a day or two. My idea is that there is some basic engine, without AI flaws etc, that could then be built upon in 2 seperate/unique ways to maintain a difference in feel. Even if the games felt a bit similar, FOR ME, it would beat having to deal with some of the problems in these games that should not exist after all these years (punt returns, DB's, etc, etc). Anyways, those are just some more of my thoughts.
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