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Old 08-14-2007, 09:45 AM   #3
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Houston TX
Re: Why do people try to sell their sliders?

Originally Posted by soce
I don't get this notion of why people put stuff like "Perfect set of sliders" or "Last sliders you will ever need" in their topic for their sliders and then you go in there and find out that they are constantly changing them!!! ROFLMAO! Isn't that like trying to sell someone a car by stating last car you will EVER HAVE TO BUY because it is perfect in every way and then telling them to come back by next week because you will have a new/better model for them to look at and test drive?

LOL, i get a kick out of this when I read their passion and salesmanship inside the post. Its not just, hey, here are my sliders and my results good luck if you use them, it is a sales job like they will get a royalty if you do use them or something.... cracks me up!

People constantly change their sliders beacuse even though they may have fixed something wrong in the game they may have caused another problem like hadicapping the hum or the off.

Just like mine I have finally gotten my sliders to were the cpu get interceptions legit now and vice versa. I also got the teams playing to their grade level the best that I possiable can. So I am goining to admitt that I have gone as far with mine that i possiabley can. I had to update my newest ones twice the first time I put up the wrong numbers and the second time was not really to change anything, but I noticed that I made the cpu good enough on defense that every team in the game can't play on the hum settings so I had to raise my offense alittle bit. Its strange because if you use the ones that I got posted right now their are some teams in the game you can get yardage with while other you will need the updated patch that I just released.

To sum up what I am saying is sometimes you fix something to only find something else wrong that needs to be fixed. and sometimes it takes several updates to do it, because you might think you have it fixed for awhile then all of a sudden you see you don't or you messed something else up.

But in reality their are no perfect slider sets out their. But I do feel like I have made min to where the players have to use their ratings the most. because no one else makes theirs like I do. and if you look at alote of the numbers on their sliders all they are doining is making it to where any team can put up good numbers as to where I am trying to make a team play good only if it is good and vice versa. In my Opionion I have accomplished that aspect the best.

Feel free to try my lastest set out i promise you that the last update I just put out was the last. Like I said smaller teams were lacking on offense but with my latest update it makes them alittle bit stronger but not strong enough to get unrealistic game play.

do me a favor and try them out and feel free to post your reply good or bad.

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