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Old 12-17-2007, 02:01 PM   #857
Extra Life 11/3/18
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Re: Wii Online and Virtual Console Discussion

  • Cybernator (SNES, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): As near as we can tell, Cybernator is a 2D giant robot game, except the robot is dude-sized, which kind of defeats the purpose. Also: In Japan, this game is known as Assault Suits Valken, which is a much, much better title.
  • Monster Lair (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): Monster Lair is the third game in the Wonder Boy series, even though you likely won't find that written anywhere when you go to buy it. You may remember that we got The Dynastic Hero a couple of weeks ago, which is the fifth game in that same series. (We knew all this off the top of our heads, by the way. Don't even act like we checked Wikipedia.)
  • Alien Storm (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): There are some things you grow less afraid of as you grow older, and then there are things you can only truly fear when you're an adult. The monsters in Alien Storm are just such creatures. Click that link, see if we're kidding. Those creatures are awful. They're like big hulking piles of face meat and scream lumps. Also: This is a game.

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