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Old 02-27-2008, 10:23 AM   #56
Re: MLB 2K8 Game of The Week: Red Sox vs. Rockies

Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
You are seeing variable strike zones.. Won't get into a long post. Too early in the morning. For me these videos showed more PRO'S than CON'S. Which for me is what's important. Good Looking out DJ Rhude
That's how I feel too Joe... something about this game just looks like a lot of fun... especially the pitching (I'd even throw the hitting in there right now too).

Hard to tell with the fielding, i think that will be more of a play and see sort of thing.

Also, I don't hear people talk about this too much, but I love how 2K has day/night progression, and different weather affects, instead of it always being either sunny or dark outside. Adds a lot of feeling to the game... for me at least.
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