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Old 03-03-2008, 07:17 PM   #262
OVR: 4
Join Date: Feb 2004
Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 Impressions

Originally Posted by hoosier4974
I've always wondered this, but how in the world can you tell exactly how many FPS a game is running at?? Is there something I'm missing?? I know that it affects the smoothness of animations and it would be easy to see it being sluggish or smooth but how can someone/anyone tell exact FPS??

I'm not arguing what you said or trying to be an ***. I'm seriously curious on how the exact number is being derived....especially for us, the gamers ???????????????????????????????
I think he was giving a ruff estimate in the FPS there is no way to tell EXACT FPS but you can tell when it drops more then half.
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