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Old 03-04-2008, 01:29 AM   #430
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Canada
Icon4 Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 Impressions

I picked up the game on Monday afternoon at a gaming store in Downtown Toronto. Here's some quick impressions:

- The menu interface could be better. I don't like the font they used throughout the menus - it's too small at times.

- There is a Jan. 20 roster update when I checked online. Could change tomorrow though.

- I don't know why Aaron Hill is rated only a 72?!! WTF!!!

- A lot of the generic photos of players look bad.

- The in-game presentation is worse than last year. I hate the new camera angle used to show the upcoming batter. Gone are the close-up face zooms of the upcoming batter.

- Graphics actually look a bit worse than last year. The animations though have improved greatly especially the fielding.

- I don't like the slight stutter (load) after each batter - you'll see what I mean when you play the game.

- It seems like most of the commentary from Jon & Joe in 2K7 was reused here.

- Pitching will take sometime to get used to. You'll throw a lot of meatballs when starting.

- Franchise Mode doesn't feel that much different aside from having Minor League teams. It's basically the same thing with a new interface.

- Overall, the game isn't much of a great leap from 2K7. A little disappointed honestly, I guess I was expecting great things. Anyways, The Show is awesome though!!!
Too many games to play, not enough time to play them all!!!
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