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Old 03-04-2008, 02:24 PM   #657
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 (360/PS3) Impressions

Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Are framerate issues something that could be fixed in a patch or is it something that is too "big" of a problem?
Yea, it is too big of a problem. The thing is, it isnt like a PC where you have alot of variables. On the PC side, they could fix it. Microsoft doesnt want to open a can of worms starting with MLB 2K8, where developers feel they can release unfinished code and then finish it up in a patch. Graphically, there is nothing they can do, other than lessen the resolution even more or totally go back and rework the game engine. Which I have been convinced since 2K6, that it was last gens engine with better graphics. The framerate issues in this years game, pretty much confirm that for me.

2K never went back and rewrote a new engine for the game. They just upgraded last gens engine. At least, that is what I am leaning towards until they can prove me wrong without any graphical hitches. What happened to the 50-60fps that Ben Brinkman promised? It mustve gone the same route as the demo.

I suggest if you bought this game and cant get over the framerate issues, that you call Take 2 and demand a refund. Email them quotes from Ben Brinkman and let them know that the game doesnt represent what he said. Until gamers vote with their wallets, it seems 2K feels more than happy to pull an EA on them every year.

And... Where the hell is Microsofts quality control department in all of this? Didnt they demand 720p/2xFSAA and 30FPS as a bare minimum? Or was that just a suggestion?
It is hard to feel as if we are in the next gen when so many games these days are released with such glaring problems. Namely: Tearing, slowdown, last gen visuals, last gen gameplay and glitches.

I am sorry if I sound so down on MS and 2K, but this just tops the cake. I think it is very deceptive on both MS and Take 2's part to hold off releasing a demo and reviews, knowing that these framerate issues exist and then release the full game to the public broken. This is the crap that brought down the videogame industry in the 80's. Too many bad games amongst a few gems.

Again, sorry for venting. I hope you understand.
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