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Old 03-07-2008, 10:37 PM   #30
Gary Armida
Gary Armida's Arena
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The great thing about baseball is the fact that you can have these kind of discussions. Any good baseball man will tell you that there is value in stats like OBP, VORP, etc. I like OPS, but that isn't the be all and end all. There is a human element to the game that has its right place too. Take a guy like Adam Dunn. A lot of people don't like him b/c he K's 180 times a year. But, he consistently posts good OBP and SLG. But, if someone values a stat involving strikeouts, then Dunn will not be good to them. They are not cyborgs playing which is why something like the Red Sox bullpen by committee failed and was quickly fixed.

Bottom line is there is no one important stat, just like a guy can't be soley judged on whether he is a good influence. A good baseball man looks at the whole picture. Guys like Beane, James, Epstein get a bit of a bum rap. They do look at more than stats; they just base a lot of their feelings about players on the data. Unfortunately, the zealots who warp the thinking into only having value for stats ruins some great and valid stats.

Sully had the best comment on the thread. Wins is really the only important stat. It doesn't matter how you get there.
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