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Old 03-10-2008, 05:53 AM   #1818
OVR: 26
Join Date: Jul 2004
Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 360 Impressions

Originally Posted by NEWYORICAN
I have a feeling that there is something going on at Take2/2K. With an impending take over by EA or some other Co., there must be some uneasyness goin on. I worked in Corporate (IBM) and let me tell you, when rumors start about layoffs, outsoucing, takeovers etc, moral goes way down and people start leaving or some get fired for speaking up about the company etc...its not a good situation because people know they will lose their jobs and not perform or be productive.
Good call. I've thought the very same thing on a number of occasions. Without doubt this is going on on some level, judging from the horribly uneven and unfinished games 2K has been putting out for at least two years now.
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