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Old 03-15-2008, 01:23 PM   #27
OVR: 3
Join Date: Dec 2007
Re: MLB '08: The Show Review

Originally Posted by SoxChamp
No disrespect, but I don't give a rat's patooty about online play (on any game). I'll never touch it. I'll never understand the draw of playing against a bunch of cheating gamer geeks and preteens on the internet. The majority of people care more about their "status" on the online ranking system than they do playing a fair and fun game. So playing against these people is useless and unpleasant to me. I'll take my Franchise any day of the week.

So does that mean that I should still rate the game a 6.5? Or should I stick with a 9? The point is....a rating is a matter of opinion. What I might like in the game, you might not..and vice versa. So your rant was a tad misguided, as you assume that everyone cares about online play.
Here's a tip..I have at least 60 online friends who I know personally that play straight up..Thus I never play a random game...Not to mention the 4-5 guys I play and communicate with daily...Ignorant rants such as yours indicating..I don't care about (insert area of game here) are part of the larger problem.

Maybe I don't care about franchise...That doesn't mean I don't want it to work for the thousands of gamers who buy a game solely based on franchise play. I don't assume anyone places Online, franchise or whatever over any part of the game..I assume that all gamers, you and me alike want every facet of the game to work...Saying I don't give a rats pitooty about anything is simply ignorant at its most ignorant level...I never once placed any portion of the game over the other...They are all equal.

But lets be real...This is the era of HD and High Speed internet..These are the two factors that next gen console manufacturers sold to every consumer who decided to drop major cash on a next gen console and or a service like Xbox Live...Whether you care about online or not you still should care about game producers not making a quality game in every facet of the product...Imagine if what you cared about most in a game wasn't functional???...Then imagine some fool saying "I don't give a crap about (insert area of game here) because I don't play it"

Its time gamers have more understanding about the whole picture as opposed to a selfish view of what suits them best. I don't care what the score is on a game but game producers need to know that if any aspect of the game is neglected or subpar they will receive a score reflective of that negligence...And yes I mean negligence...MLB THE SHOW had similar online problems last year...Those producer guys were on this very forum posting pics, dialogging and guaranteeing improved online play. Now where are they???...Bin Laden is easier to find now...Sony IMO is negligent to allow sub par online play to plague the game for now a second consecutive year.

Reviewers are not doing whats in the best interest of gamers by pumping out reviews that blatantly neglect areas of the game...In fact..I don't even like scores because its all based on one man's opinion...Your 8.5 could be a 5.5 to me...Who's to say either of us are right or wrong??? All this being said..I still love THE SHOW but lets all support the fact that Online Play among other aspects of next gen sports games must be addressed.

Last edited by Oldschool17; 03-15-2008 at 01:32 PM.
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