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Old 03-27-2008, 09:48 AM   #1
Steve_OS's Arena
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Top Spin 3 Hands-On Preview

IGN has posted their hands-on preview of Top Spin 3.

"This owes itself to a new gameplay engine that's been, according to 2K developers, built from scratch in order to be more faithful and respectful to real-life tennis, while attempting to put more power in the user's hands to make specific types of shots. This, in our unskilled hands, meant that we hit lots of lob shots down the middle, and threw up a serve or two off our shoulder. Towards the end of our second match, though, we finally began to get the timing down and started to hit shots with slightly more force, albeit with little to no accuracy. For example, if we wanted to hit a groundstroke down the line with some force, we were forced to hit LB (to get to the proper angle to hit the shot) and immediately follow it with the left trigger and A, timed properly, using the left analog to place the shot. If you're better at video games than us, well, you will be able to do this before you finish two matches."
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