04-04-2008, 05:26 PM
OVR: 9
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Whoa, whoa! I am a hardcore democrat and an active volunteer for the Democratic Party of Oregon, and I support Barack Obama and worked at his rally at MacArthur Court in Eugene, Oregon a few weeks ago. I understand that what I said about the mascots did sound like a right wing conservative hate-fest, but we're talking about a video game, not preaching a moral and opinionated cultural whitewash of society like Republican politics. I'm only saying this because that was a perfectly legal and acceptable kick in the nuts to me; however I do understand the irony in the comparison. Clueless hippies (I live in Eugene, Oregon and have family in Berkely, California-I know them better than anyone) sitting in trees and bitching about conspiracies concerning topics they are clueless about are every bit as ******** as the fear mongoring conservatives that hypocritically shove morals and threats in our faces. I apologize to everyone for climbing on my soapbox and getting off subject, but I just had to clear that up. Thank You for putting up with me the idiot.