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Old 04-21-2008, 01:14 PM   #53
marshallfever's Arena
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Re: Madden 2009 Mondays:User controlled celebrations

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
If they did everything exactly like 2K5 they'd deserve to be criticized - 2K5 was four years ago. From my understanding, both FIFA and NHL '08 have taken their respective genres beyond what came before it, even though those titles had their own rough years in next gen. Yet now they're celebrated. That's the reason EA doesn't deserve a lot of credit for adding last gen features. People want them to go beyond what's already been done, not take years to implement what 2K5 and Madden did last generation. The problem is the game has been so bad that for some of you the only bar Tiburon has to meet is to simply make a competent game.
Thank you, you speak the truth. This is why i feared the return of this new producer on Madden 09. I'm afraid he'll be stuck in his last generation ways; giving us things from the ps2 and xbox version when what we need is completely new fresh ideas. When talk was on the "next generation" of videogames, i'm pretty sure we all imagined some pretty nefty features and gameplay elements that would be including in the game. Elements that couldn't make it in the past games due to their the limitation of the hardware.

Yet in reality what we got was less. We didn't even receive most of the ps2 and xbox features, they spent 2-3 years just reimplenting old stuff. And now people are in dire wanting of the last gen stuff over the elements we were all expecting from the next gen games.

This is why Backbreaker will be such a cruicial game. It might be that deciding factor. If it can get people attention, maybe just maybe, we might get a real physic engine behind the madden games. Imagine madden the way it is right now with a realtime physics engine like the ones Backbreaker is supposely using. They would no longer need to tire themselves in capturing mo-caps. They could spend all their resources in creating new exicting features and tightening up the game on a yearly bases.

Originally Posted by djordan
LOL..Lighting alone...

I can't wait to see bigger pics...
To this day i still think that NFL Fever 04 had the best use of lighting and weather effects in a football game

Last edited by marshallfever; 04-21-2008 at 01:46 PM.
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