04-24-2008, 10:17 AM
OVR: 14
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Salt Lake City
Re: Don King Presents: Prizefighter On the Spot Interview: GameSpot
Don King kept talking and talking bout nothing. Those guys should have talked or atleast brought the discussion back onto the game. That guy is lucky isnt wasn't a 3 way call with Mr. T. Can you imagine:
Mr T: Dont be talking that jibba jabba. I gotta lotta mo, a lotta mo. Murdock you crazy fool.
DK: This game is about life. The down trodden, unsuperbalisticalidoshoiuness of the behethren yada yada yada..
3rd guy: just nods and smiles. Wants to say something, but T and DK go back and forth for about 45 mins.
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..
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