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Originally Posted by marshallfever |
This might not be a big issue with some of you, but to me this is a game killer We've had 3 madden games so far on the next generation, why is it that we still don't have online weather? I mean c-mon. Their talking about the lag issue, again this'll be the 4th madden game on the 360.....why wasn't this issue already addressed before hand?
This seriously puts me in a bad mood. After about two franchise season or so, i normally stop playing the franchise mode and stick throughly to online. After a while the franchise mode gets boring. You can predict the AI and normally win most if not all your games on All Pro. I know theres all Madden but the last time i played that, it felt like the game was cheating more than it was being hard. There just wasn't enough things to do in the franchise to merrit more then a couple of seasons. (Talking about 07 since its the last one i brought).
So because of that, i only play online after my two franchise season. And really it sucks playing every single in game in perfect sun shiny weather. I mean they could of at least put different times of day if they couldn't do weather, yet they refused. I just can't stand playing in perfect weather every single online match. I've been complaining about this after 06. I can understand the reason in 06. The game was new and they of course needed time to get things together. I even let it go a bit in 07 because again, they were building up. But when i heard 08 was doing the same thing, turned me off, and now its the same for 09. Truly sad.
I was expecting a lot from this madden. I'm not going to let this little thing stop me from buying the game though, but its just sad that they have yet to implement weather in the online games.
Amen man, online is treated like the red headed stepchild of EA's once again. Every game is a perfect weather game and let me guess, no alternate uniforms will work either. And of course I'll bet we can not choose our time of day online as well.
I agree with you 100% in that this really puts a bad taste of things are going to be the same again this year as in past years. Yet another year of waiting another year and hoping. I'll still get the game on day one because this is not a game killer for me but it's certainly a bitter pill to swallow.