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Old 04-26-2008, 10:25 AM   #56
billysims's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Video w/ Dave Ross: GameSpot

Originally Posted by noplace
LOl @ EA...Are the DE's running man to man with the OT's & RB? Damn EA you can ruin a good game by not implementing the basic fundamentals of football. I dont care what mode it was on the DE's are supposed to contain & come up filed on passing & option plays. Is this so hard to do?

I mean just add the damn animations & it should be played depending on how good a DE's awareness is...On the play where Tebow rolls out the DE follows the RB to the Left side of the field leaving the Right side wide open. WTF? This game has so much portential but EA cant get football right, I mean just look at the guys playing it.
The company is led by a Brit, so I no longer expect much.

The game reeks of being catered to how 10 year-old Timmy wants to play with his friends.

I'm sure their soccer games will improve going forward, so they'll have THAT going for them, which is nice.....
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