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Old 05-12-2008, 02:11 AM   #44
bad_philanthropy's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Team Ratings (These are NOT Final)

Originally Posted by Solidice
well near the 10:00 mark of the random gamers part 2 video it showed a few teams in the dynasty team selection.

of course it may not be final though.
Ohio state = 6*
Ohio = 2*
Notre Dame = 6*
Northwestern = 3*
Northern Illinois = 2*
North Texas = 2*
North Carolina = 3*
New Mexico State = 1*
New Mexico = 2*
Nevada = 2*
Nebraska = 5*
It's funny how some teams the star ratings are related to recent success like how Miami and FSU were six star schools a few years ago, but ND no matter how bad they are will always be six stars.

I can see Florida being six as their profile is so large from the recent NC, Tebow, and just how they market their image in general. I wouldn't be surprised if Tennessee and Georgia were a six in the game as well.

Last edited by bad_philanthropy; 05-12-2008 at 02:14 AM.
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