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Old 05-12-2008, 11:51 PM   #46
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Video Clip, Random Gamers - Part 2 of 2

Originally Posted by ODogg
This was exactly what I've been meaning to type. Not only that, what you say above, but think about why people don't often run backwards? It's very, very, very tiring and difficult. If a QB ran backwards in real life, like they do in NCAA/Madden, their legs would feel like they were running in wet cement by the 2nd half.

I don't think it would be that difficult to slow down the backwards running, make it more ackward for all but the most agile of QBs and make it affect fatigue. The question is, does EA want to do this because it would fundamentally change the game from how a lot of people play. I don't think it's a matter of ability or them not knowing it's an issue, it's more a matter of they think the alternative would be much less accepted.

Progressive in-game fatigue is a lil too deep for EA ODogg. FIFA has it technically but it's not implemented right. Like others have said, as soon as you drop back 15yds arm strength and accuracy should come right into play, especially if you're throwing a corner route or a pass to the flats. On plays like that you should see the defenders all react in their own ways. D-Backs should be able to react to the ball better. D-Lineman should come off their blocks and be in full pursuit of the QB. LBs should be sitting in their zones reading the QBs. Basically the defense should have a HUGE advantage.
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