05-16-2008, 02:22 PM
Re: full drive video BYU vs BC on IGN
You guys getting pumped over a couple of completions are settings yourselves up for huge disappointment. I'm guessing you said the same thing last year about all of this. Go back and watch the pre-release videos of this game and I'm sure you would think that game was going to be great. Interception problems aside, NCAA '08 gameplay was still whack. It's the same thing every year, people think it looks good on videos because they pick things out they like and ignore the fact that the flaws in the videos creep up way more often in game than the good things do.
I'm not seeing this improved blocking some of you are seeings. They just flat out don't have enough or good enough animations or collision detection to make it realistic. Every year people say stuff about improved blocking, and then you see your entire offensive line blown up enough times during games that you want to throw your controller through the tv.
Like someone above mentioned, all the passes are line drives. The passing game is still broken. Refer to APF 2k8 to see what a passing game is supposed to look like.
I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up yet....unless you just really loved NCAA '08 gameplay