Thread: NHL 09 Preview
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Old 06-17-2008, 03:36 PM   #61
bad_philanthropy's Arena
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Re: NHL 09 Preview

I never got the feeling of the cpu cheating in NHL on superstar (with my frame of reference coming from EA football games). I have played countless games and just don't see any of the overpowered cpu goalies, AI cheating, etc... that I've heard others complaining of on this board. I think once you figure out how to read and react to the cpu it is pretty easy to dominate possession with most teams in the game, and once you figure out the puck possession and skating aspect of the game it becomes pretty simple to set up effective scoring plays.

I also don't find it that difficult to play defense in the game despite the controls being somewhat lacking, it's all about anticipation and making sure you don't allow the cpu to have good possession in the offensive zone. Kill the cpu's offense off the rush by backchecking and forcing the opposition into a low percentage play with good body position.

Basically I feel the same way as the other guys who made posts similar to mine.

Last edited by bad_philanthropy; 06-17-2008 at 03:44 PM.
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