I think the demo is pure and utter trash. I said it a few times in this thread already, yet I'm still here. Now, if the actual game is anything like this demo, I'll pack up my things and head back to the Madden section until next year. Now, playing this demo has made me rethink my approach somewhat - I went from auto buy, to possible rental.
1. The crowd looks awful.
2. The CPU AI (Although on varsity) is as bad as ever.
3. 2-3 Turnovers per demo game for the CPU, in every game I played.
4. Players all glitch as they move around (God, I hope this isn't in the real game.)
I'll be kind and stop there, because I have at least 6 more things that I can list, and they all come from a short little demo. It's a demo, it's varsity, so I won't judge the actual game until I play it - but yes, this demo is utter trash, and unfortunately, my net didn't crash before I was able to download it. Why am I still here? In this this particular thread? To read posts like Russells, who almost have me once again excited about the actual game - It won't be easy to overcome that dreaded demo game, though.. I'm still in rental mode.