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Old 06-20-2008, 06:25 PM   #857
Anti Honor
OVR: 7
Join Date: Feb 2007
Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by kt-od
The whole point of AI is to get it as close to the intelligence of real players as possible. I think EA has gotten better every year.
They won't even allow us to do that. A lot of these issues I'm having could be solved with the sliders, which they put in the game. Unfortunately those sliders didn't seem to do anything whatsoever in the '08 games. I went as far as lowering all my sliders to ''0'' and the CPUs to MAX, and got the same results. I could understand if my nephew and I were experts, but we're actually not very good at all, which makes the CPU AI issue even more frustrating for us.

I disagree with the whole EA getting better thing.. You can hop over to the slider forum and see a ton of frustrated gamers, some who threw hissy fits, some actually called it quits for the year. Most of them spent their gaming time trying to find a way to make the CPU even somewhat intelligent, when they should have been enjoying the games.

Look, if EA can't make an intelligent AI, at least make the sliders even more important, so we can do it ourselves. I don't want to pay $120 to win the national championship with Hawaii and the Superbowl with Detroit each and every year. I want to have to build the teams up, and earn my victories. Seriously, play me online once, you'll see just how awful I am - then tell me if EA's AI is even close to being improved every year.

As for the ''play a human'' thing. I buy these games for the dynasty/franchise mode. I don't care to play online.

Last edited by Anti Honor; 06-20-2008 at 06:28 PM.
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