Maybe it isn't. The point is, they're not getting me, and probably other 'new users'. One of my biggest complaints about passing for example is that you don't get to see the ball a lot of the time, why can't they show something so important to the game? - the focal point actually. I don't notice a difference party because I haven't invested a lot of time with it.
I have given it and last years effort and chance though, I;ve played 4 games of this years and probably 8-10 last year.
I guess I'm hoping that madden and ncaa drastically change to get up to speed with other genres, rather than fix 'issues' that were there in previous itterations. Sports this gen have had low expectations and even lower delivery imo.
Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, if you enjoy it, good for you, but I just don't see the appeal.