06-30-2008, 03:19 PM
Guns Up!
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Location: DFW, Texas
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here
i don't know what you would call "deep ball". i have seen the CPU throw hail marys at the end of game/half but never seen them do that in a normal situation. i have seen the CPU throw 20-25 yards from the LoS in '08, it wasn't as much as they did in last-gen NCAAs.
I have seen the CPU throw it 20+ yards once when i was playing Co-op with a friend that has never played a NCAA game before and he took the safty and blitz with him when he was supposed to be a deep half zone. so with the big hole deep, the CPU threw it to a wide open man, he was about 25 yards beyond the LoS, so to me thats deep?