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Old 07-07-2008, 04:25 PM   #5
OVR: 8
Join Date: Sep 2003
I checked out the demo of this game and felt it totally blows. Yeah, maybe if spending time to adjust to the system may make it enjoyable but why the hell do I want to spend hours on learning a totally different system? I play sports games for fun and this was not fun. EVERY OTHER sports game I have ever played was fun off the bat but not this piece.

I also think people defend the system a bit too much and claim realism. What I saw is you basically need to be ready to let go of the button not much after the ball passes the net. How is this real? I watch real tennis and what i see is guys get into position and coil back and swing when the ball basically bounces. Doing this in top spin 3 results in a massive whiff of the ball seconds after it passes. It is an impossibility in TS3 to hit the button right when the ball is up on you but as seen in real tennis, you can hit the ball when it is up on you, just that your shot won't be that great.

I swear that the control system is flat out broken but people simply get used to it being broken and then assume it is meant to be like that.

All in all, a game I was so looking forward to but is 45 steps back from top spin 2.
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