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Old 07-12-2008, 10:48 AM   #69
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Blog Entries: 7
Re: Madden NFL 09 2008 Super Bowl Video (IGN)

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
You just said "if you can look past this...", which seems to me you're saying don't judge "this" because you're going to fix "this" next year. Or beyond. Why shouldn't "this" be judged for what it is now, not for what you're saying it will be? You're admitting the lineman are going to have synchronized reactions, that they're going to look scripted - and in the same breath you're saying look past that, don't judge the game on that because you'll fix it. That's what I have a problem with. No, it's not being said literally.
Number 1, it's probably not a good idea to make assumptions on what I'm thinking or expecting based on written posts. You are saying things like "you seem" to be doing this...all kinds of tone is lost in this virtual world. If it's not being said literally, then you probably shouldn't try to infer it. Though this is kind of ironic though because when I did actually spell something out literally, you didn't believe it (re: thinking I am here as a marketing ploy).

To make sure I'm clear, I don't want anyone on these forums to give Madden a pass on anything. I've stated this many times before. I want everyone to be honest, and brutally honest if they so feel. You aren't going to scare me away. I have said this multiple times...don't buy the game if you these issue are deal breakers for you. And even if they aren't feel free to post all you want about issues that bug you.

For this post specifically, to clarify I am not saying "don't judge our game because I'm looking into fixing it for the future". That sucks if that is what was implied, but that's what written text can do I suppose - lose the message. All I am saying is that I feel it's a great video game - and that's because of the sum of it's parts, regardless of those 2 issues you saw in the video.

A great game to me is a fun game, as long as the problems that may be there don't detract too much from the game experience. Madden 08 and NCAA 08 were not GREAT games because turnovers are glaring problems that in turn make the game not fun to play. Tecmo Bowl is a GREAT game, but that's because I enjoyed the whole experience and ignored the fact that you could drop back and throw it 100 yards from one endzone to the other, or that I could chase down any player with Lawrence Taylor even if they had a 50 yard head start.

I know you expect realism...I do too. But again, this is my serious question to you personally...try to envision a game where the 2 issues in this video are fixed, the OL/DL play is awesome, the WR/DB play is more finely tuned, and the QB control and animations are spot on. After seeing videos of all of the above, would your posts then be about the lack of pile-ups, or the fact that sideline catches aren't triggering frequently enough, or that players aren't slipping and falling enough in the rain? Or would your posts be about how you can't believe how this is actually a great game?

Do you see what I'm getting at? In a nutshell...can I ever meet your expectations? Your knee-jerk reaction will likely be to post something like "of course you can...just make a realistic football game without all these fundamental issues" - but I'm asking you to think every issue you see going to be a "fundamental" issue for you?

Last edited by Ian_Cummings; 07-12-2008 at 11:01 AM.
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