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Old 07-12-2008, 05:27 PM   #19
OVR: 16
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Los Angeles
Re: NFL Head Coach 09 Preview

Originally Posted by ahunter5
Um, this isn't Madden. This is a simulation game that deals entirely with the cerebral side of football. There's no button mashing, cheesing, or money plays. HC has an entirely different development team than Madden. If you're upset about the franchise mode in Madden, I'm sure there's some posts on the Madden boards about this.

As far as the 15 year career mode, I was disappointed about this initially, as well. The devs stated that they wouldn't have been able to put as many features in if the game went longer. They actually developed each player for each draft class -- nothing random other than the names. The statistics and ratings for each draftable player are pre-made. They couldn't have done this for a 100 year career. If the game is great for the 15 years that it lasts, I'm completely fine with it. There's also 4 different sets of 15 year draft classes, so the game has replay value.

Well said.

I have no idea why some people blame Maddens shortcomings on the existance of the Headcoach series.

On-topic, this is one of the most ambitious sports titles I've ever seen. I've played a handful of sports games with ambitious intentions, but often times they fall just short of pulling it off. I hope everything comes together successfully for this title...

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