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Old 07-23-2008, 07:24 PM   #95
Security Device
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Saginaw, MI
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Apparantly there is more than 1 EA representative "stepping up to the plate". Kick-off coverage isn't broken? Punt coverage isn't broken? you have already lost all credibility. Next thing you'll be telling me the sliders work.

Apparantly you don't understand comparative reasoning. It doesn't matter how much I paid for a new product $5 or $500,000 if the thing has flaws, they need to be fixed. Until its fixed, I'll air my grievances and point the flaws out to others so they can make informed decisions.
Saying they're broken isn't explaining why they're broken. Please explain yourself. Next time I play, I'll be more open to see what you're talking about. For someone to make a truly informed decision, they should be presented with the Pros & Cons, not just one side.

And no, the Sliders don't work. I never argued that point.

Are you saying you would rather have a percentage of your money back and be stuck with a broken game ?? Or would you like those resources spent on a crew focused on fixing those issues ??
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