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Old 07-24-2008, 08:02 PM   #39
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

Originally Posted by vegaas
I didnt think it would happen, but with the partnership with Madden Mania OS has become an EA marketing machine. This years NCAA game is screwed up in every area and yet these OS articles gloss over them every chance they get. The 8.5 review score was joke and is ruining OS's credibility. OS used to be the place where you could trust the reviews and you knew the site was impartial. It looks like those days are gone. For a great break down of all the problems with NCAA read Bill Harris's blog. His blog is called Dubiousquality and it is at blogspot. He has two fantastic articles that break down the problems with NCAA. The most relevant point is the speed breakdown by position.
Oh cool, you read Bill Harris too. I posted his first article in the glitches thread because I was curious if others were experiencing those issues as well. He's good when it comes to sports coverage. The OS review is interesting, just because it's not like the review was written by a former MM guy or anything, and it's just one person's opinion. I've always said a review doesn't mean it symbolizes everyone's opinion, just one writer who tries to articulate why a game is good or bad. It is OS' official score, but it's still just one person.
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