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Old 08-02-2008, 06:37 PM   #25
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jul 2002
All cheezers must DIE !! .....IMO

I'm 42 yrs. old and I love playing games online and especially where I'm getting to old to play most real sports other than softball

It's unbelievable !! I play NCAA 09 with a buddy of mine and we play it like a real college football game should be played and when this is done you really have a FUN !! and great game of college football with NCAA 09

However when you get on and start playing strangers / cheeezers who exploit any and all exploits that can be used in this does not even seem like it's the same game that I play with my buddy and not nearly as fun either.

Biggest exploit !! I have noticed in all football games over the years is by getting away with calling and playing your offensive plays in a hurry up quick style with hurry up play calling and / or rushing to the line and hiking the ball right away while the defense is not yet set or having a chance to look at it's players matchups.

They really need to find away to deter this type of hurry up style of play and I think the ONLY !! way you can really do this that makes sense is to increase the fatigue factor a even more to the players that are playing offense when they are using this style of offense.......Then you will see things like offensive lines breaking down with bad blocks and false starts, more drops, more fumbles by RB's & WR's, QB's accuracy going down...ect. ect.

Would also be nice to...IF the further your QB drops back behind the Line of scrimmage the more his accuracy goes down....This makes total sense and would take care of these idiots / cheeeezers who get away with dropping 15 to 30 yrds behind the line of scrimmage and able to complete a pass on a dime without a problem.

Just my 2 cents !!

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