08-04-2008, 11:11 AM
first off folks, im 40 years old.. i look at this from a different perspective. This is not real football folks.. its first and foremost a game. you will have folks online who do not understand or dont care if its real football or not. and even in real football you have cheese, err.. trick plays.
My point is dont assume that an online opponent will play how YOU think they should play. thats the risk of online gaming. I have been called a cheeser once, simply because i use the same base defense most of the time. Hell i do that online, offline with friends, etc. thats how I PLAY.. thats how i have been doing since MADDEN 10000 B. C. lol I also learned to counter some cheesey plays as well.. or an option / pitch play.. same thing.. I use a LB to run along with the QB, but dont tackle him.. string him out to the sideline (in NCAA 09) someone called me cheese for that! its what you do in REAL football I told him.. if they use randy moss all the time.. double team him.. etc etc.
Even in COD4 there are the same types of folks.. especially the ones who never shoot.. but stab everybody all the time. they use the quiet perk and just go around stabbing. another one is when they jump on buildings and ledges and snipe all day.. well.. thats how they play and you have to counter it..
The only way to truly counter cheese is to know your opponent. If they have the cheese rep.. dont play them. I play madden / NCAA the way i know how.. I dont quit if im being blown out.. because I played real HS / College FB and we were constantly being blown out.. (yeah my D II school sucked munkey nutz. back in the 80's ) lol! but we never quit.. game or not.. I play to the final second.