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Old 08-04-2008, 03:46 PM   #12
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jun 2006
Re: Video Game Football Stinks, and No One Seems to Notice

Sure, we notice. We've noticed for a long time now. Unfortunately, as long as consumers and "critics" keep giving game developers a free pass on their broken feature sets, it seems the developers and publishers will have little motivation to change thier thinking.

Really Todd, you've mentioned your distaste for defense on your podcast and even in your recent NCAA review. But then you give EA a swat on the *** and a "Good effort guys, you'll get 'em next year ...", and score them a freaking A-. Broken AI, broken online dynasty, and chronically broken/"unfun" defense, and they still get an "A-".

"No one seems to notice", huh? It seems that includes the "critics" as well.
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