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Old 08-05-2008, 05:14 PM   #14
Beardown's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: Man-to-Man Coverage The Key to Stopping the AI QB in NCAA 09

Originally Posted by LJay
i can stop the passing game but i can't get enough sacks
as soon as i get pressure the QB makes a quick pass
i can get pressure with my CPU controlled defenders but if it's me who gets the pressure the QB always makes a quick read
even before his receiver gets off the line and runs his route sometimes
it's like the CPU refuses to let the user get a sack
and it never throws the ball away
This is my frustration exactly. I have the CPU QB throw in less than a second. I get plenty of pressure but never a sack. What I get instead is picks. The CPU QB will simply not be sacked instead they just throw really quick and many times for picks. It is completely insane. I can deal with everything else in this game except this. I am so tired of it I can't wait for Madden to come out so hopefully I can actually sack a QB. I get 1 sack a game if I am lucky, many games I get 0.
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