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Originally Posted by JIMIHEMMY |
Why don't us PS3 owners just relax and wait for the patch? This isn't the only game you have is it? You don't have anything else to play? How about go outside and enjoy the world!
Yeah, I spent my $60 on release day, saw all the problems on boards, and haven't played it in 3 weeks...and I won't until the patch comes out.
In the meantime, i have other things I can do.
Don't bash these guys for issues with the patch...if the guys who wrote the code and the guys who qc'd it had done everything correctly, we wouldn't have to wait for a patch because there would not be a need for one. Cut these guys some slack!
If we were all still on the PS2 and this happened, we would just be S.O.L. and would have to wait until next year.
I'm not trying to bash you guys, I'm just saying, show some patience and be happy that EA are working on trying to correct some issues instead of letting us hang out to dry.
With all of that said....I still can't believe this game got shipped like this. Next time, wait a few weeks before buying it so you will know what issues may be present and if you can live with them or not.
I'm still playing the game as is... like I've said the patches are not as big a deal to me as others. I still love the game, and think its very playable as is.
What changed my opinion is what seems to be a lack of care... maybe not a good word there, how about a lack of due diligence, yeah I like that better. A lack of due diligence was performed for not only this game, but for the patch. I just don't except a "small issue" as laugable excuse, plain and simple. No one should except that, if we do, the quality of the product will decrease.
Again, I love the game and am still playing regardless of a patch or not. Also, I'm glad to see that the EA guys are here and interacting with these community. This is the only way for the game to take the next jump.